Thursday, 24 March 2011


          Bach Flower Remedies were devised by a British general practitioner in the first third of the 20th century. Dr. Edward Bach, who was born in 1886, had a large general medical practise. Over the years, he discerned a certain trend among his patients: When they were in some kind of stressful or anxiety-provoking situation, they suffered from a wide range of symptoms. As a responsible and cautious GP,
Dr.Bach would carefully treat these symptoms. However, he began to realize that although the patients were gaining a certain amount of symptomatic relief, he was not actually getting to the root of their problems, which, in general, lay in the psychological realm.
         Dr.Bach reached the conclusion that body and mind were an interreacting entity, and that the
patient's psychological condition exerted a substantial influence on his physical state : in other words, one aspect could not be treated without relating to the other. If the root of the problem is treated, the ailment will be cured far more effectively than if just the symptoms are treated.                                                                                                                                                                                               Dr.Bach maintained that if symptomatic treatment alone was administered, the basic problem would remain, and the disease would never really be eradicated. He decided that the solution to this  "bodymind"  treatment problem lay in plants. He began to study homeopathy and pharmacology, specializing in flowers, and classifying them according to their effect on the psychological conditions that lay at the root of many illnesses. His first set of extracts was called "The Twelve Healers."
        In the 1930ths, Dr.Bach devised a set of 38 flower extracts, or remedies devided into seven categories according to the particular emotional disorder for which each one was suitable. He
laid down precise ground rules for diagnosing the illnesses, and provided instructions for the
production and dosage of the remedies.
       Dr.Bach's "rescue package" consisted of five extracts, to be used in emergencies.
Bach Flower Remedies have no negative effects, and can be combined safely, The average
dose is 2 - 4 drops diluted in water, three times a day, or applied directly to the skin.
       The extracts are numbered according to the alphabetical order of the names of the flowers.

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